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PL16 - 1-MCP (SmartFreshSM)

  • A product which has contributed significantly to assist quality management of certain plum cultivars is SmartFreshSM with the active ingredient 1-Methylcyclopropene. This ethylene blocker is applied to fruit in air-tight cold rooms before or after packing, or to packed fruit in the shipping containers, just prior to export. SmartFreshSM slows down fruit ripening and consequently lowers the risk of GB which can also sometimes be used to achieve longer storage.
  • For plums with good inherent quality, SmartFreshSM can assist in achieving longer storage, by a week or more.
  • However, if the inherent quality is sub-optimal, it is best to use SmartFreshSM to try and minimize GB development without trying to extend storage.
  • SmartFreshSM can also be used as a pack house management tool. To achieve this, plums can be treated in bins and cold stored for up to two weeks before packing. Because injured and soft fruit can be present in the bins it is advised to drench the fruit with a suitable fungicide prior to cold storage.
  • If the fruit will be cold stored in bins prior to packing, it is of the utmost importance to make sure that the fruit is cooled properly in the bins, since it can take up to a week for the fruit in the centre of the bins to reach the required temperature. Adequate air circulation around the bins or forced air cooling is therefore recommended.
  • Fruit with a tendency to develop shrivel should be packed as soon as possible because the correct packaging will limit moisture loss, which is a major cause of shrivel.
  • For more information, an Agrofresh representative can be contacted.
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