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Flesh Firmness

Harvest at the optimum flesh firmness shown in the cultivar specific information Start monitoring the flesh firmness of the plums in the orchard at least 10 days prior to the expected harvest date as the correlation between flesh firmness and…

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Determine the skin colour and fruit size of the plums in the optimum flesh firmness range. Use the skin colour and size of the plums in the optimum flesh firmness range as a guide on which plums to harvest. Harvest…

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Other Quality Requirements at Pack

Disorder The following quality requirments needs to be adhered to when packing plums, i.e. General appearance Colour Shape Minimum diameter Uniformity in size Foreign matter : visible chemical residues, dust, leaves and spurs, unattached stems Ripeness Cavities Hailmarks Dry cracks…

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Handling after Harvest, Cooling and Shipping

Handling after harvest Ideally plums should be picked and packed on the same day and cooled to -0.5 °C as soon as possible after packing. If plums will be packed on the harvest day a delay of 4 hours between…

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Hortgro Science Generic Info Internal Browning Plum

Internal Browning

Definition Plum fruit with internal browning (IB) have a normal external appearance, but exhibit a brown discolouration of the flesh tissue which changes from a light to dark brown colour with increasing severity and is associated with loss of juiciness.…

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Hortgro Science Generic Info Gel Breakdown Plum

Gel Breakdown

Definition Plum fruit with gel breakdown (GB) have a normal external appearance, but exhibit gelatinous breakdown of the inner flesh tissue surrounding the stone, while the outer flesh tissue has a healthy appearance. With increasing severity the disorder spreads outwards,…

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Hortgro Science Generic Info Overripeness Plum


Definition Overripeness (OR) in plum fruit manifests as translucent breakdown of the flesh tissue below the skin which spreads inwards towards the stone with increasing severity and from which cell fluids can be readily expressed. General information While internal disorders…

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Hortgro Science Generic Info Flesh Breakdown Plum

Flesh Breakdown

Definition Plum fruit with flesh breakdown (FB) have a normal external appearance, but exhibit gelatinous breakdown of the flesh tissue midway between the stone and the epidermis. With increasing severity the disorder spreads inwards and outwards, changing from a translucent…

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Definition Translucent breakdown of the flesh tissue between the stone and the skin which occurs on the shoulders (stem-end) of the plum fruit and is associated with excessive softness and juiciness. General information Bladderiness in plums is not common so…

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Hortgro Science Generic Info Shrivel Plum


Definition Plum fruit with shrivel have wrinkled skin caused by loss of moisture which is visible on the shoulders and/or cheeks of fruit. It tends to be more prominent on the shoulders where it typically appears as lines radiating out…

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